Like the majority of gardens, our Garden is also children friendly, but there is something more at NOG We love working with local schools. A group of Junior Assistants, a group of 4 young volunteer students, has been created after the visit of students from Bayswater Primary in November 2015. Eva Scherer supervises the junior assistants for 2 hours a week.
The Purpose of Junior Assistants involvement is to ;

  • Develop a love for nature by spending time and observing the NOG ecosystem
  • To learn how to care for plants
  • To enjoy the outcome of using vegetables and herbs for every day food/nutrition at home, and to share surplus with school.

Nature Never Sleeps

While the Junior Assistants were taking it easy on holiday, Nature kept on doing her part. Look at these carrots, courgette and cucumer.

Second Crop – Just before holidays

Just before holidays -second crop – courgettes, and sunflower for mum

After One Month

After a month the look of the new plot. Bean looks spectacular, mizuna will be transplanted tomorrow !

Worm Farm

Establishing a worm farm.

Bean Teepee

Magnificent bean teepee

First Crop

The first Crop.  Plenty of lettuce. From the left: Jamie, Jasper, Declan, Jasper M.

Lemon Balm herbs

Our Lemon Balm herbs for fundraising.  We gathered $31.50 for our school

First Planting Experience

Our first practical day. Some planting at last. Jasper expects a lot of healthy carrots.

The beginning

Hello, whats happening? Our first day on the job